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Wednesday 19 November 2014

Computer Knowledge (51-100)

51. Data items grouped together for storage purpose are called

· A. list
· B. title
· C. record
· D. string
52. A terabyte comprises
· A. 1024 gigabyte
· B. 1024 kilobyte
· C. 1024 megabyte
· D. 1024 byte
53. ISOC stands for
· A. Internal Social Communication
· B. Intranet Society
· C. Internet Society
· D. None of the above
54. The process of starting the computer and loading of operating system programs for
execution is known as
· A. searching
· B. loading
· C. booting
· D. initialization
55. Which of the following groups consist of only output devices?
· A. Mouse, Printer, Monitor
· B. Plotter, Printer, Monitor
· C. Scanner, Printer, Monitor
· D. Keyboard, Printer, Monitor
56. A keyboard is this kind of device
· A. input
· B. output
· C. word processing
· D. none of these
57. Which is the latest type of printer interface?
· A. DVI
· B. Parallel
· C. USB
· D. Serial
58. The various modem speed consist of
· A. 9600 bps, 14,400 bps
· B. 28,800 bps, 33,600 bps
· C. 56,000 bps
· D. all the above
59. Second generation computers started appearing in
· A. 1950
· B. 1955
· C. 1960
· D. 1970
60. Memory unit is one part of
· A. output device
· B. input device
· C. central processing unit
· D. control unit
61. Which of the following is the most powerful type of computer?
· A. megaframe
· B. super computer
· C. super conductor
· D. super micro
62. ----- is need to build dynamic web documents.
· A. CGI
· B. Java
· D. All of the above
63. Web pages are written using
· A. URL
· D. FTP
64. The parity bit is added for the purpose of
· A. coding
· B. error detection
· C. indexing
· D. controlling
65. Which of the following memories is an optical memory?
· A. Bubble Memories
· B. Floppy Disk
· D. Core Memories
66. The elements of graphical input devices are
· A. event
· B. action
· C. state
· D. all the above
67. A snapshot type recordset can contain fields from
· A. one table
· B. two tables
· C. one or more tables
· D. either one or two tables
68. A long double data occupies
· A. 8 bits
· B. 16 bits
· C. 32 bits
· D. 64 bits
69. What is the primary requisite of a good computer programmer?
· A. artistic mind
· B. mathematical mind
· C. scientific knowledge
· D. logical mind
70. Find the odd one out?
· A. keyboard
· B. touch screen
· C. mouse
· D. printer
71. Information can be stored or retrieved from memory location through its
· A. input
· B. value
· C. address
· D. variable declaration
72. India’s first super computer is
· A. Agni
· B. Trisul
· C. Flow solver
· D. Param
73. Java was originally invented by
· A. Oracle
· B. Sun
· C. Novell
· D. Microsoft
74. Pick the odd one out
· A. Windows
· B. Novell
· C. IBM
· D. Microsoft
75. FPI stands for
· A. Figure per inch
· B. Faults per inch
· C. Film per inch
· D. Frames per inch
76. Typewriter is an example of
· A. impact printer
· B. character printer
· C. both (a) and (b)
· D. none of these
77. The finished result of processing by a system is
A. input
· B. output
· C. processing
· D. all the above
78. CD–ROM is a kind of
· A. magnetic disk
· B. magneto–Optical disk
· C. optical disk
· D. none of these
79. The full form of TCP is
· A. Total control Protocol
· B. Transmission control protocol
· C. Totalling control program
· D. Transmission control program
80. Which of the following is the most appropriate unit for measuring the storage capacity
of a hard disk?
· A. bit
· B. byte
· C. mega byte
· D. tera byte
81. Find the odd man out
· A. Google
· B. Lycos
· C. altavista
· D. java
82. The first mechanical computer designed by Charles Babbage was called
· A. Calculator
· B. Abacus
· C. Processor
· D. Analytical Engine
83. C is
· A. A machine language
· B. A third generation high level language
· C. An assembly language
· D. All of the above
84. In a high resolution mode, the number of dots in a line is
· A. 320
· B. 520
· C. 640
· D. 840
85. The External commands normally come with the extension
· A. .COM
· B. EXE
· C. .BAT
· D. All the above
86. Which of the following might be used to convert high level language instructions into
machine language?
· A. An interpreter
· B. An operating environment
· C. System software
· D. Application software
87. A variable that holds the memory address of another object is called an
· A. pointer
· B. constant
· C. memory variable
· D. integer
88. Which gate is a single integrated circuit?
· A. CPU
· B. Mother Board
· C. Chip
· D. Gate
89. Coded entries which are used to gain access to a computer system are called
· A. entry codes
· B. codewords
· C. security commands
· D. passwords
90. The components of UNIX consists of
· A. Application software
· B. UNIX utilities
· C. Kernel
· D. All the above
91. A temporary storage area, attached to the CPU, for I/O operations is a
· A. buffer
· B. register
· C. core
· D. channel
92. Which of the following is NOT operating system?
· A. Unix
· B. Java
· C. Dos
· D. Window NT
93. The topology or types of networks are
· A. Ring topology
· B. Star topology
· C. Bus topology
· D. All the above
94. Which command can be used to copy the contents of the current database file to a
new file?
· D. None of the above
95. Which statement can be used to immediate exit from a loop construct?
· A. Quit
· B. Exit
· C. Stop
· D. Any of the above
96. Cassette tape is
· A. a primary storage medium
· B. volatile storage medium
· C. a secondary storage medium
· D. none of these
97. The following is not a input devices
· A. Voice recognition devices
· B. Printer
· C. Optical scanners
· D. Keyboard
98. A secondary storage device that uses a long plastic strip coated with a magnetic
material as a recording medium is
· A. hard disk
· B. magnetic tape
· C. compact disk
· D. none of these
99. FoxPro is generally used for
· A. scientific calculations
· B. engineering applications
· C. business applications
· D. all the above
100. A storage medium that retains its contents even in the absence of power is referred as
· A. volatile storage
· B. non volatile storage
· C. primary storage
· D. secondary storage

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