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Wednesday 19 November 2014



· C. C

 102. The Input device that is closely related to a touch screen is the
· A. Joystick
· B. Scanned
· C. Keyboard
· D. Light pen

 103. Which of the following hardware components is the most volatile?
· A. ROM
· D. RAM

104. State the valid schema objects.
· A. tables
· B. views
· C. indexes
· D. all the above

105. Software is
· A. peripheral
· B. equipment
· C. computer program
· D. none of these

106. A spiral shape track formatting is present in
· A. floppy disk
· B. optical disk
· C. hard disk
· D. half inch tape cartridge

107. ----- provides a common address space and routes the packets of data across the entire
· A. TCP
· B. UDP
· C. IP
· D. None of these

108. Which one of the items given below is not an item of the Menu Bar?
· A. tools
· B. exit
· C. catalog
· D. root

109. The first computer mouse is built by
· A. Robert Zawecki
· B. William English
· C. Doughlas Engelbart
· D. Daniel Cougher

110. The ----- performs simple mathematics for the CPU.
· B. BUS
· C. Register
· D. ALU

111. What is the name of the network topology in which there are bi-directional links
between each possible node?
· A. Star
· B. Mesh
· C. Tree
· D. Ring

112. Which of the following statement can be used to construct loop?
· D. All the above

113. Who is considered to be The Father of Artificial Intelligence?
· A. Alan Turing
· B. Allen Newell
· C. George Boole
· D. John McCarthy

114. Which of tho following command can be used to add records in a database file?
· D. All the above

115. The various Record sets are
· A. Snapset
· B. Dynaset
· C. Forward only
· D. All the above

116. GCA stands for
· A. Graphic Conversion Assembler
· B. Graphic Command Assembler
· C. Graphic Coded Assembler
· D. None of the above

117. The first movie released in 1982 with terrific computer animation and graphics was
· A. Dark star
· B. Forbidden planet
· C. Tron
· D. Star wars

118. Which function removes the trailing blank space from a specific string expression?
· A. TRIM()
· B. RTRIM()
· C. Either (a) or (b)
· D. None of the above

119. Which of the following is an example of non–volatile memory?
· A. RAM
· B. ROM
· D. LSI

120. Identify correct DML statements, are
· C. Both (a) and (b)
· D. None of the above

121. The word length of a computer is measured in
· A. bytes
· B. bits
· C. millimetres
· D. metres

122. In a Pascal procedure, the parameters are separated by
· A. colon
· B. comma
· C. blank space
· D. semicolon

123. Whose trademark is the operating system UNIX?
· A. Motorola
· B. Microsoft
· C. BELL Laboratories
· D. AshtonTate

124. The character ‘\n’ is known as
· A. string
· B. new line
· C. letter n
· D. none of the above

125. The types of users in UNIX are
· A. file Owner
· B. group Owner
· C. system Administrator
· D. all the above

126. Which of the following colour graphics display adapter has the highest resolution?
· A. HGA
· B. EGA
· C. VGA
· D. CGA

127. State the valid Console command,
· A. DOS
· C. DOS
· D. All the above

128. One byte is equivalent to
· A. 4 bits
· B. 8 bits
· C. 16 bits
· D. 32 bits

129. The DIR command is used to display
· A. Size of the files
· B. new line
· C. File name extension
· D. All the above

130. Programs stored in ROM are called
· A. software
· B. hardware
· C. firmware
· D. none of the above

131. A device that converts digital signals to analog signals is
· A. A block
· B. A packet
· C. A modem
· D. Both (B) and (C)

132. ROM is composed of
· A. floppy disks
· B. photoelectric cells
· C. microprocessors
· D. magnetic cores

133. Find the odd man out.
· A. optical fibre
· B. twisted pair wire
· C. microwaves
· D. coaxial cable

134. Find the odd man out
· A. TCP
· B. SAP
· C. POP
· D. FTP

135. VSNL stands for
· A. Videsh Sanchar Nigam Ltd
· B. Vigam System Nigar Ltd
· C. Very Soft Network Link
· D. Very Small Network Link
136. The computer that is not considered as a portable computer is
· A. Notebook computer
· B. Laptop computer
· C. Mini computer
· D. None of these

137. The Java’s access specifier are
· A. private
· B. public
· C. protected
· D. all the above

138. The number system on which the modern computers operate
· A. Binary number system
· B. Octal number system
· C. Decimal number system
· D. Hexadecimal number system

139. Which of the following is not a web scripting language?
· A. PHP
· C. ASP
· D. DSP

140. The unit of speed used for super computer is
· D. None of these

141. The secondary storage device that follows the sequential mode of access is
· A. Optical Disk
· B. Magnetic Tape
· C. Magnetic Disk
· D. None of these

142. Backspace key is a
· A. function key
· B. character key
· C. control key
· D. none of the above

143. Which device can understand the difference between data and programs?
· A. memory
· B. microprocessor
· C. output device
· D. input device

144. Memory is made up of
· A. a large number of cells
· B. a set of circuits
· C. a set of wires
· D. none of these

145. Mar stands for
· A. Memory Arithmetic register
· B. Memory address register
· C. Memory access register
· D. Memory Assessing register

146. The following device allows the user to add external components to a computer
· A. Keyboards
· B. Storage devices
· C. Ports/system boards
· D. Diskettese

147. Process of finding/correcting program errors is
· A. Hacking
· B. Cracking
· C. Bugs
· D. Debugging

148. The third generation of computers covers the period
· A. 1959–1964
· B. 1965–1971
· C. 1971–1981
· D. 1991–1996

149. First computers that stored instructions in memory
· A. first generation computers
· B. second generation computers
· C. third generation computers
· D. fourth generation computer

150. A number system with a base of 8 is referred as
· A. binary
· B. decimal
· C. octal
· D. none of these

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