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Sunday, 29 May 2016

NeoBux 2016 guide! Welcome to the ultimate Earn

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Unfamiliar with NeoBux?

Click and Earn

Neobux is the world's biggest and most likely the best known PTC site out there. It has more than 10,000 members signing up daily and has been running for more than 7 years now, it may be hard to earn cash if you have no knowledge about it, but this guide will set you to the right path. Register here!

Section 1: Getting Started

First of all get started by registering! Click here to visit NeoBux
How can I gain cash with NeoBux? There are three essential sources of income from NeoBux:
  • Money made from clicking advertisements (seeing advertisements, doing other small tasks, and so on)
  • Commissions paid to you from RRs (Rented Referrals) - clarified later in Section 3.
  • Commissions paid to you from DRs (Direct Referrals)
What amount of cash would I be able to make?
In the event that you are willing to put a little of time every day, you ought to have the capacity to make well over $1,000 per month spending under 30 minutes every day. A few users make a few thousand dollars for each month with the same time invested. It won't occur without any hard work, however it's undoubtably achievable as a handful of neobux veterans have achieved that.

Section 2: What to do in the first 2 weeks?

Your only point of focus should be:
  • Clicking all ads assigned to you DAILY!
  • Collect 0.60$ so you can rent your first referrals
It's essential you click every day for maximum profits! NeoBux also has other tasks instead of just clicking ads which you can make 0.60$ in just a day (not available in all countries) Note: NeoBux also has a broswer app that notifies you when a new ad is available:
To recap: 15 days * approx. $0.04/day = $0.60; Insignificant as it might appear, $0.60 is your first objective.

Section 3: Purchasing your first referrals!

Great, now you can rent your first referrals, this is where the real fun comes! When you have reached $0.60 you can start growing your passive income. Warning: If you don't click your advertisements for a day, you won't receive money from your referrals from that day
  • Note: The advertisements you need to click so you get money from your referrals are the "Fixed Advertisements" however it's suggested to click all of them for more money so you can rent faster!
  • Objective #2 - Rent 3 referrals by tapping the "Referrals" button on your home page
    Objective #3 - Turn on "AutoPay" in the Referrals->Rented menu.
    What is Autopay?
    "Referrals cost 0.30 a month to maintain. Instead of paying for the referral, they will pay themselves as long as autopay is on. You get one penny less from each referral, but they will be your referral as long as they are active. As a standard, you receive 0.005 per click from each RR."
    I recommend just switching it on and forgetting about it until you're a more experienced user! 1000refs+Expecting your 3 referrals stay active, you will make:
  • 3 RR * 4 RR-clicks at $0.005 each = $0.06/day + ads you click = 0.10$/day
  • Within a week more you can rent 3 more referrals, and acquire $0.16/day
  • The next week you will have enough to lease 5 more referrals (now you will have 11 RRs) for a total of $0.26/day.
  • Next week you will have enough to rent 10 more referrals (now you will have 21 RRs) for an aggregate of $0.46/day.
  • Toward the end of the fourth week from when you rented your first RRs, you will have enough to rent 19 more referrals (now you will have 40 RRs) for a total of $0.84/day.
  • Etc... You get the point!
  • TIP: If a rented referral is idle for 14 days, it will be replaced with another one for free! Keep clicking ads daily and buying more referrals! The more referrals you have the more cash you'll be earning!Objective #4 - Go on until you have 300 RRsYes, it'll take time! But remember, building a business requires hard work, the more referrals you get the more the money, if you keep doing that you'll earn passive income from the comfort of your home! Plus comparing it to a real business it's nothing! All you have to do is view advertisements and purchase/maintain your referrals which is 10 minutes of your day instead of 8+ hours! You just have to be patient and make sure to do it DAILY, it's just 10 minutes!
  • TIP: 300 RRs * 4 RR-clicks at $0.005 per click = $6/day; It will take around two weeks to set aside $90 for Section 4 .
  • When you have 300 referrals, quit renting and set aside $90 in your NeoBux account. I will clarify this more in Section 4.
    Click and Earn

    Section 4: Final step! Building up the passive income!

    Since you have 300 referrals, quit renting and set aside $90 with the money that you can upgrade to Golden. When you go Gold, you will DOUBLE the money you make almost immediately since the payouts are 2x - 10x for your clicks and referral clicks!
    Objective #5 - Upgrade to GoldHere is your generated cash BEFORE Golden:
  • 300 RRs * 4 RR-clicks at $0.005 per click = $6.00 every day (in addition to DR-clicks and your own clicks)
  • Here is your generated cash AFTER you go Golden:
  • 300 RRs * 4 RR-clicks at $0.01 per click = $12.00 every day (in addition to DR-clicks and your own clicks)
  • Objective #6 - Build your RRs to 2000.Resume your rental process and get 2,000 RRs. This won't take too long since at this point you ought to be winning over $300 every month.
  • 2000 RRs * 4 RR-clicks at $0.01 per RR-click = $80/DAY (in addition to your DR-clicks and your own clicks!).
  • Congrats! You can now be considered a true veteran of NeoBux, want FREE personal coaching?

    Register under my referral and e-mail me for any questions or help you need! I'll be happy to answer as soon as possible! The questions you ask can be absolutely about ANYTHING, from personal questions to how to manage your referrals. More info & my e-mail here
    Register HERE or click the image below

    If you sign-up under my referral I GUARANTEE you'll be a successful member with my free coaching.

    Click and Earn

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